Icecat Product Data for WooCommerce Plugin

Latest version: 2024.9.0.1649 from 09/17/2024


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WooCommerce Icecat Product Catalogue Plugin allows you to enrich your WooCommerce product with data from Icecat, like: product names, descriptions (up to 30 languages), high resolution images, additional features and more.

by eMagicOne Icecat Product Catalogue for WooCommerce

Icecat Integration Addon for WooCommerce allows you to update product listings with detailed specifications and images taken from ICEcat, leading content provider, and respectively build remarkable WooCommerce product catalog.

This Store Manager extension ensures quick integration with worldwide unique product catalog, that comprises abundance of data sheets, accessible in multiple languages. You may register for free Open Icecat product catalogue or paid FULL ICEcat that offer extended product database. Note, free Open Icecat offers limited number of product data-sheets.

FEATURES What Icecat for WooCommerce can do for you:
  • Get Descriptive Product Specifications. Take short or long multilingual (more than 30 languages) product descriptions from Icecat.

  • Automatically update product catalog with minimum efforts spent.

  • Avoid mistakes in product descriptions getting already approved, high-quality ones.

  • Get High-Quality Product Images. Load product main image, image gallery, and thumbnails.

  • Receive Regular Updates. Receive daily updates of product descriptions and images.

  • Find necessary products at ICEcat using different product identifiers, namely ICEcat code, EAN Code, Product Code or Name.

  • Get data for numerous product categories and manufacturers at disposal.

  • You will find more options and possibilities that will make your work with product catalog much more convenient and easy.

Additional information Icecat Plugin for WooCommerce Includes

1 (One) license of Icecat Plugin for WooCommerce that can be used to register and unlock the Icecat Integration feature in Store Manager for WooCommerce application (one seat).

Important! Icecat Plugin for WooCommerce requires Store Manager for WooCommerce software to be installed. Request free trial version of the software to give it a try before you proceed with the purchase.

Important! Icecat is a third-party service. You need to create an account on Icecat in order to receive information. Note, free plan might not contain all data. Youc an find information what plan to use on the Icecat website. Simple find few products that you would like to sync data for and check is it available for Free plan or paid plan. Get the plan before you proceed with the purchase.

For comfort using Technical Requirements
  • Hardware
  • Starting from 4Gb RAMFor small or med-size stores
  • Screen resolutionFrom 1024×768
  • Stable internet connection

* – Compatibility is relevant for the latest Store Manager version
** – We strongly recommend to backup database before making changes from Store Manager.