2014 Year in Review: Most Remarkable Events at eMagicOne

2014 is running to the end. It was filled with new initiatives, achievements and various events.

To wrap up the year on a high note, we want to look back at the year passing and share with you our recollections and impressions of 2014.

Let’s review all the head-shaking events that has happened to our company. Here’s a countdown of our favorite moments from the past year:

  • eMagicOne has been a silver sponsor of Magento Meet Ukraine 2014
  • This year we reached another big milestone – 5 years since the first purchase of Store Manager for Magento has been made
  • We have released new Enterprise version of Store Manager for Magento that was also presented at Magento Meet Italy conference in Milan
  • We have submitted our products for PrestaShop Awards 2015 event
  • We have built relationships with reputable and proven development companies like Amasty and Atwix. Together we work to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding clients
  • eMagicOne company together with Stamps postal service offer users discounted USPS shipping rates and other bonuses: http://www.stamps.com/partner/emagicone/
  • We are always up-to-date and add compatibility with latest shopping cart versions – support of PrestaShop 1.6.x, OpenCart 2.x
  • We have released native Mobile Connector module for you to get statistics on what’s going on at your online store using your Android mobile device in easier way
  • Possibility to integrate Magento with Amazon and create printable brochures in PDF format has been included
  • We have made Store Managers for osCommerce and for CRE Loaded available free for public use
  • We have started the development of new software – Store Manager for WooCommerce and opened Beta-testing campaign – http://woocommerce-manager.com/
  • More types of Diagnostics have been added to help you troubleshoot your Magento store for more potential problems
  • Magento users can also take advantage of wider range of sales and other reports
  • There has been added the possibility to migrate customers with passwords from one PrestaShop webstore to another
  • PrestaShop users can create coupons using cart rules right from Store Manager
  • Support of PrestaShop multiple features has been implemented
  • Multiple improvements and enhancements of our software have been introduced

We want to say ‘Thank you’ to everyone who helped us make these happen and for making 2014 a wonderful year for us! Together with our clients, partners and followers we create a new page in the history of eCommerce management.

From our side, we’re ready for another exciting year and look forward to helping you reach your business goals and contributing to your success in 2015 and beyond.

Goodbye 2014, welcome 2015! Be better!

Happy New Year from eMagicOne!
