Service Level Agreement


This document serves as a set of guidelines to inform decision making within eMagicOne company as well as a guide for community members for better understanding the services provided by eMagicOne. The document is limited in scope in that it sets official policy for providing help through the Support Desk. By setting down these policies and channeling requests for help through the Support Desk we hope to provide better service, have an accurate profile of user needs and demonstrate the appropriate level of staff needed to handle the volume of requests.

All eMagicOne Services cover standard shopping cart database schemes. Any free service does not cover work related to any customization of default shopping cat.


This agreement is intended to cover all eMagicOne departments, including:

  • Administration
  • Support Department
  • Technical Department
  • Outsource Department


The Support Center ( acts as a central point of contact for all technical support, including web and software questions, consulting, installations, requests, and troubleshooting. Methods available:

  • Phone / Chat is offered for general assistance and sales questions. Technical assistance is not offered via Live chat or phone. Phone number – 1-855-814-4511. Chat button can be found at
  • Forum can be used to discuss eMagicOne products – (
  • eMail or Ticket system. For technical support, submit tickets online at or send us an email to
  • To submit bugs and feature requests use Public Bug Tracker ( )
  • Personal technical assistance. Remote desktop assistance or any other custom adjustments (SQL, Expressions, etc) are offered for additional fee only. Remote desktop assistance is not provided for free or trial licenses. Technical assistance is provided via e-mail and/or remote desktop software (TeamViewer + eMagicone chat at ). Technical assistance or personal training is not provided via Phone, IM, Video conference or any other third-party channel. Contact us via e-mail to get estimates and schedule the session.

We don’t provide IM support and do not call back.


Live Chat / Phone – First level support for sales and general questions

Live Chat is available throughout the following hours: from 12.00 to 20.00 (GMT +03.00), Monday through Friday (business days), excluding holidays ( Due to staff limitations live chat and phone support may not be immediately available at all times.

The number of free live chat contacts is limited to 2 (two) chats per day (UP TO 1 hour each) but no more than 100 per year due to staff limitations. Further contacts are charged additionally.

Ticket / Mail – Second level support for technical assistance

Support Managers are available to help you throughout the following hours: from 11.00 to 19.00 (GMT +03.00), Monday through Friday (business days). Guaranteed response time is 48 business hours.Support Forum questions have lower priority than email tickets, thus replies on forum may take a few business days.Requests can be submitted online ( or by e-mail at at 48 hours a day.According to the acting Labor Code of Ukraine, in case a national holiday or a non-working day coincides with a day-off, the day-off shall be extended to the next consecutive day after a national holiday or a non-working day. Additional days off will be announced in news section of Support Center.


Our guarantee response time is 48 hours (business days only). Actual response time may be shorter or longer depending on the volume of requests at any point of time.


Before contacting the Support Desk users should update software to the latest version to make sure that the issue remains. In case the latest version is not available for download as Update and Support service is expired, users should order Update and Support service for additional fee to get access to the latest version and support accordingly. Also before contacting users should explore help that is readily available. This help might come from the Documentation, FAQ, and Support Forum.When such local help has been exhausted and assistance is needed, then the users should contact the Support Desk through one of the methods described in Methods of Contact Section.In contacting the Support Desk provide the following information:

  • Valid e-mail address. If you/your ISP use any spam protection, make sure that you have added to the white list.
  • Full product name on which you are experiencing the problem.
  • A clear and specific description of the problem or request, including information regarding any error messages you may have received.

If one of the points mentioned above is not met, Support Staff will contact you (up to 3 replies) to clarify the question/answer. In case no relevant answer is received (no required action is taken) by user, the ticket is considered closed.

eMagicOne reserves the right to completely stop the support in case of abusive language or statements.


eMagicOne offers a number of pre-paid services for data import, configuration service, plugin installation, theme installation, custom development services, etc. The price is calculated on the basis of the time that it takes for a tech engineer or developer to provide the particular service, thus cannot be discounted. All results of provided service should be checked by the customer instantly to confirm that the service is provided completely. Any complaints or comments concerning provided service are accepted within 10 days after the original order only if no other updates, changes, modules, installations or any other customization are applied by any third-party. Additional work related to the provided service is charged separately.

You expressly understand and agree that eMagicOne shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if eMagicOne has been advised of the possibility of such damages) resulting from: the use or the inability to use the service; the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services resulting from any goods, data, information or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into through or from the service; unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data.

You expressly understand and agree that eMagicOne shall not be liable for any bugs, issues and errors and/or issues with compatibility, server issues, that occurs after installation of third-party software, modules, plugins, updates, upgrades on customer’s request. Investigation and/or fixes related to the server issues, issues that occurs after installation of third-party software, modules, plugins, updates, upgrades are charged additionally and are considered as pre-paid services.

eMagicOne does not warrant that the Service will meet your specific requirements, be uninterrupted or error-free.

All the prices for the Service are provided in US currency (USD). The Service is billed on an hourly rate and is non-refundable.


Data Import Service is provided up to 3 business days after discussed&received all the details and after you have confirmed the accuracy of demo import.

The Service does not guarantee proper data import of the custom data, fields or information handled by third-party modules and/or contributions. Service covers standard shopping cart database schemes by default. It does not include any customization or fixes on your site.

Import Service requires necessary actions to be made from your side before full import is made: providing FTP access to your shopping cart (it is recommended to provide temporary access), providing file with data in appropriate format, checking Demo data import results.

After requesting Demo Import Service, you are not allowed to request or perform any other Data Imports. All changes made within this period will be overwritten by our tech engineers. You are held responsible for restricting all access to your FTP and admin panel, deleting all temporary customers, their password information, etc.

By these Terms of Service you agree not to change, modify, add, or remove portions of Bridge Script source code as it is owned by eMagicOne. You agree not to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate the Bridge Script source code into any form, medium, or technology now known or later developed throughout the universe.


In order to subscribe to scheduled payments, you need to make first order. Currently eMagicOne offers Update Service and Technical Assistance as a subscription (scheduled payments). Automated e-mail informing about the planned payment is sent 7 days and 1 day before the actual charge is made.

Scheduled payments can be cancelled at any time. Best way to cancel it is to use the automated e-mail that informs you about future subscription, use unsubscribe (cancel subscription) option right from your e-mail. No further payments will be processed once you cancel the subscription. The unused period of subscription is non-refundable, you still can get the service within that paid period.

Pre-paid technical assistance is offered on a scheduled basis. You get some specific hours a day (2 hours scheduled in the working hours of specific assigned tech engineer) when you have full access to dedicated tech engineer. Unused hours are nonrefundable or cannot be transferred to another day due to strict schedules of tech engineers.

Pre-paid Update and Support Service is offered on a scheduled basis. Once ordered you get Update and Support service key that can be applied to one Store Manager license key of appropriate edition. Once applied, you get 12, 24 or 36 month of update services allowing you to download the latest version of our application. Beta versions, Personal releases, public releases, latest versions cannot be downloaded in case you do not have at least one active license with active Update period. You can unsubscribe at any time. Unused Updates are nonrefundable. You are responsible for keeping a copy of the application. In case the application is lost and your update service period has expired, you won’t be able to download Store Manager application from our resources.


All the prices for the Service are provided in US currency (USD). The Service is billed in advance and is non-refundable.

eMagicOne provides full 100% refund if there are any major technical issues with the performed task, this has been verified and confirmed by eMagicOne engineers and can’t be resolved within 48 hours (business days) since the case is confirmed by eMagicOne’s technical engineers. Please fill the Refund Request Form – to initiate the refund procedure. eMagicOne does not provide refunds if any kind of issues with the Service were not investigated by eMagicOne tech engineers.

After the Service is completely provided only partial refunds (up to 50%) are possible since computing resources were already consumed.

All fees are exclusive of all taxes, levies, or duties imposed by taxing authorities, and you shall be responsible for the payment of all additional financial contributions, excluding only United States (federal or state) taxes.

If there are any questions regarding these Terms of Service, contact us at

This document will change over time as circumstances warrant and therefore it is a work in progress.